Home Tour

*A fun little fact!*
The hubs and I never stepped foot in our house before we bought it.  (wow!)  My parents had gone with us through every house so they pretty much knew exactly what we wanted and could not stand.  SO they toured this one, since we were out of state, and called us after and said that the  Realtor was going to write an offer!  Gulp.  Then it was accepted.  Then we closed. THEN we brought our first load over, key in hand, for the first time.  Needless to say... we trust our family... a lot :)


Before: Boooooring!

 After: So cheerful!

We knew coming into this kitchen for the first time that the dark cabinets would eventually have to go!  And the counter tops/backsplash is that lovely laminate "wood grain" we don't love it, we don't despise it, so it has remained.  We discovered that we liked it more with the cabinets white, so it doesn't bother us too much now.  Also, we spray painted the oven RED (my hubs idea!), the old dishwasher (not pictured) was the lovely biscuit color that we sprayed white to match, and the stove hood was sprayed white as well!



Before: Holy fireplace, Batman!

After: Love.
AHHH! Much better!  Yes, we painted our brick fireplace, the best decision we have made thus far for our house.  It took our house from 1980 to 2011, FAST.  Such a breath of fresh air!
note: we usually have our blinds open to let the light shine in, 
but its been about 100 degrees around here lately and our house heats so fast with them open :(